Thursday, July 26, 2012

Breed Specific Legislation

The case of Lennox, the dog from Northern Ireland that was unjustly euthanized because he looked like a "bully" breed type, Breed Specific Legislation has really come into the spotlight.

Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is any law that forbids the owning of a certain breed or type of dog based solely on breed or type, not on behavior.  This law assumes that the dog is guilty when in fact it has done nothing other than be born a particular breed.  It's basically discrimination - you look a certain way, you are of a certain ethnicity (in this case breed) then you are not permitted to live in the area of our jurisdiction.  How fair is this?  A dog is taken from it's owners, and killed, yes I say killed, because euthanasia means "good death", and really how good is a death that is caused because of  fears and laws?

I am all for protecting people, but I am not for arbitrarily  banning breeds, and I am certainly not in favor of permitting any animal control staff to have the discretionary authority to deem an animal to be a specific breed based on looks, as they did in the Lennox case.  

I do agree that there are a lot of folks out there that own dogs that are strong, and could potentially hurt a human being.  But folks, those breeds don't stop at bully breeds - look at how large and strong many breeds are - St Bernard's for example; or even a Standard Poodle!  

There has to be some compromise on both sides, perhaps something like requiring training before getting a permit to own a dog over a certain size.  I wouldn't be opposed to requiring a permit to even own a dog - there are way too many irresponsible dog owners out there now, and any dog this type of person owns can be a nuisance - even one as as tiny as a Chihuahua!  I know it would be a lot of compromise on both sides, but I am certain this issue can be resolved without giving anyone the power to just seize a dog and kill it because of breed.   Please note that I am not talking about dogs that have attacked a human, that is a totally different topic.

Hopefully there won't be another Lennox case, but I'm afraid there will be, and more families will be devastated by the loss of a beloved member of their family that has been discriminated against for no reason other than looks, but I am just as equally sure that there will be another innocent victim of a dog bite or attack due to irresponsible owners.  Ultimately people are at fault, not animals.  Let's protect the innocent, whether those be the animal, or the potential victim of a poorly raised, poorly bred animal.  Protection comes in many forms, so let's change laws, not ban specific breeds.  Perhaps the laws ought to start with who is permitted to breed animals, and cover things such as training and licensure.

This is certainly a hotly debated topic, and I certainly don't have all the answers.  For those that are for BSL, I'd ask you to think about your reasons, and put things you own into the same situation. For instance, you like motorcycles.  Many say they are not safe - just because others say they aren't safe should they be banned?  Sports cars - fast, strong machines, and they can be deadly.  Should they be banned because of irresponsible drivers?  I'm not comfortable with any government agency telling me what I can and cannot own, but I don't think it's wrong to make me become educated and licensed to have or use certain items.

For those that are against BSL I'd ask how you would feel if it were you, or your loved one attacked by a dog of any breed.  Would you want that breed banned?  That dog killed?  Would you agree with laws requiring licensing for owning certain breeds?  There's no easy answer to any of these questions.

Certainly something to think about..

Keep on keeping on,


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